Resources and Presentations

I hope that the 'Resources' pages on my website will be useful for those interested in learning about geoscience, whether they are students, researchers, teachers, museum professionals, or enthusiasts at any age, demographic, and knowledge level globally. There are 4 subpages about:

And I would like all of them to include Resources like:

The 'General Geology' page could be a hub for my personal favorite K-12 learning about Earth processes, according to U.S. and State standards (i.e., Florida's State standards). The 'Geochronology and Geochemistry' page and 'Earth's Magnetism' pages will have more content for researchers. The 'Job Boards (for Geoscientists)' page is there because we all deserve opportunities.  FYI, these pages are under construction! It is my hope to get them up and running in summer/fall 2022.